Dogfish Head Aprihop
What do you get when you take a fruit beer and combine it with an IPA? You get a hophead delight called Aprihop! Brewed in March and usually available through May, this seasonal offering has become one of the most popular spring entries from Sam Calagione and the gang at Dogfish Head over the last couple of years. The addition of Apricot juice offers a unique variation on the hoppy ale, making a mild sweetness using the undertones of the fruit to balance the massive amount amarillo hops added in the continuous stylized fashion that Dogfish Head does best. Scoring an 86 on the Beer Advocate scale, this one is something worth tasting at least once for beer fans that might not love fruit beers or sweet ales.
7.0% ABV
7 out of 10 Red-eyed Bunnies
Sam's Quick Sip Clip
7.0% ABV
7 out of 10 Red-eyed Bunnies
Sam's Quick Sip Clip
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