Doc's Draft Hard Pear Cider
I don't normally post about cider but I was recently given a gift of a special pear flavored hard cider. The Warwick Valley Winery & Distillery are located in Orange County in New York State about 2 hours from Manhattan. The orchard portion of the farm started in 1989 and was primarily an apple orchard until they started experimenting in other seasonal fruits and making local wine as well. The unique American Fruits division is a brand focusing on Fine Brandies and Liqueurs which was also the first of its kind in New York State. The Doc's Draft line of Hard Ciders has flavors ranging from traditional apple to everything from pear, raspberry, sour cherry and pumpkin. The Hard Pear Cider is an interesting spin on a traditional hard cider flavor where the pear dials down the sweetness to soften the blow and create more dryer taste. There has recently been some new craft ales using pear especially in spring and summer seasonal varieties and this is a great new addition to diversify the hard apple cider portfolio with some other local products. The Warwick products including the hard cider line is a proud member of the Pride of New York program to boost NY State Agriculture and bolster the economic development of New York State under Governor Cuomo. Most Doc's cider products are available in 22 oz. bottles (650 ml) for your drinking pleasure.
5.5% ABV
7.5 out of 10 NY Pears
More on New York Agriculture- Pride of New Yprk Programs and Cider Links
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