Breckenridge Brewery Lucky U IPA
Breckenridge Brewery is one of the original local breweries from Colorado that started in the early 90's. Now available in 32 states- they are now producing over 50,000 barrels annually and have gotten into NYC Markets. The Lucky IPA was the first Breckenridge selection I have tasted. A decent IPA- bold smooth flavor filled with some of the best mountain hops Amarilla, Magnum, Perle, Cascade, Apollo, Fuggle, and Goldings.
The subtle tribute to the Tivoli Brewery History is an interesting American tale. Started back in 1861 with the Gold Rush- Colorado was home to the 2nd longest continuously operating brewery in the country when it closed in the 1960's. Yuengling still tops the crown from Pennsylvania as the oldest.
6.2% ABV
7.5 out of the 10 Denver Gold Nuggets
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